Cloudcheck Document Check API1.0


The Cloudcheck Document Check API service enables a reporting entity to integrate the Cloudcheck Document Check service into its website. This allows the reporting entity to perform an checks on a passports and driver licences, without the customer leaving the reporting entity’s website.

You (as reporting entity) send a passport or driver licence image to the Cloudcheck Document Check API via a secure URL, and the check is performed immediately. The results are then returned to you to handle as you need.


Path /doc/runcheck/ Method POST

When requesting a Document Check from the Cloudcheck API, you must include the following parameters as part of the call.

Please note that these parameters must be posted as form data. Because the id image file must also be included, the request should contain a Content-Type header of multipart/form-data.

Parameter Required Description
key true

Your API Key.

signature true

An HMAC SHA-256 signature of request data for call validation. See details on generating a request signature.

nonce true

A single-use key generated for this request. Note that each nonce may only be used once for each access key.

timestamp true

The system timestamp when the request was created in milliseconds since the Epoch (timezone independent). Note Unix time is in seconds and will need to be multiplied by 1000. Requests with old timestamps will be rejected.

data true

A JSON string containing the details to be verified.

file true

An image of the ID document. For passports the image should be of the passport page containing the MRZ code. For driver licences the image should be of the front of the driver licence.

For best results please use a high quality image, minimum of 500KB. It should capture the entire document, including all four corners. The image should be sharp and contain no glare. A dark background works best as it provides good contrast to the ID document.

We recommend common image formats such as JPG or PNG.

The image can not be shown on the results page for certain formats, such as PDF.


The data parameter is a JSON object containing an optional reference for the request as well as consent. The consent parameter is mandatory and must have a value of "Yes".



The response JSON contains the details of the document check. It will include details extracted from the document, as well as outcome of the various checks we run.



Path /doc/result/ Method GET

Download the results of a Document Check in JSON format. These results take into account any changes made since the check was first done, such as review information.

Parameter Required Description
key true

Your API Key.

signature true

An HMAC SHA-256 signature of request data for call validation. See details on generating a request signature.

nonce true

A single-use key generated for this request. Note that each nonce may only be used once for each access key.

timestamp true

The system timestamp when the request was created in milliseconds since the Epoch (timezone independent). Note Unix time is in seconds and will need to be multiplied by 1000. Requests with old timestamps will be rejected.

documentCheckReference true

The Cloudcheck-generated documentCheckReference that was returned in the response of the Document Check.


The response JSON contains the details of the MRZ check.


Results PDF

Path /doc/pdf/ Method GET

Once the check is complete, you can optionally download a Cloudcheck generated PDF of the Document Check results.

Parameter Required Description
key true

Your API Key.

signature true

An HMAC SHA-256 signature of request data for call validation. See details on generating a request signature.

nonce true

A single-use key generated for this request. Note that each nonce may only be used once for each access key.

timestamp true

The system timestamp when the request was created in milliseconds since the Epoch (timezone independent). Note Unix time is in seconds and will need to be multiplied by 1000. Requests with old timestamps will be rejected.

documentCheckReference true

The Cloudcheck-generated documentCheckReference that was returned in the response of the Document Check.


This method will either return a PDF file or a JSON object with an error message. You should check the response Content-Type to determine which you have received.


Path /doc/review/ Method POST

When reviewing a Document Check you must include the following parameters as part of the call.

Please note that these parameters must be posted as form data. Because the passport image file must also be included, the request should contain a Content-Type header of multipart/form-data.

Parameter Required Description
key true

Your API Key.

signature true

An HMAC SHA-256 signature of request data for call validation. See details on generating a request signature.

nonce true

A single-use key generated for this request. Note that each nonce may only be used once for each access key.

timestamp true

The system timestamp when the request was created in milliseconds since the Epoch (timezone independent). Note Unix time is in seconds and will need to be multiplied by 1000. Requests with old timestamps will be rejected.

data true

A JSON string containing the details to be verified.


The data parameter is a JSON object containing the reference of the Document Check as well as the decision (ACCEPT or REJECT). Review notes can also be added.



The response JSON contains the outcome of the review request.
