Cloudcheck PEID Lookup1.0


The Cloudcheck PEID API service enables a reporting entity to integrate the Cloudcheck PEID service into its website. This allows the reporting entity to perform Dow Jones PEP lookups on a known PEID, without the customer leaving the reporting entity’s website.

You (as reporting entity) send the Dow Jones PEID to the Cloudcheck API via a secure URL, and a lookup is performed on the data immediately. The results are then returned to you to handle as you need. This process ensures the security of your data, and preserves the integrity of the PEID lookup process.


Path /verify/peid/ Method POST

Fetches details of the Person or Entity identified by the PEID from Dow Jones. Do not call this API concurrently as Dow Jones restricts the number of calls we make to them. Instead, call this API sequentially, i.e. wait for a response to be returned before making another call. Failure to do this can result in a 429 (Too Many Requests) response being returned.

Parameter Required Description
key true

Your API Key.

signature true

An HMAC SHA-256 signature of request data for call validation. See details on generating a request signature.

nonce true

A single-use key generated for this request. Note that each nonce may only be used once for each access key.

timestamp true

The system timestamp when the request was created in milliseconds since the Epoch (timezone independent). Note Unix time is in seconds and will need to be multiplied by 1000. Requests with old timestamps will be rejected.

peid true

The PEID number to lookup.



Note that only date or year will be returned for dates depending on what level of detail is known.

Result PDF

Path /verify/peid/pdf Method GET

You can optionally download a Cloudcheck generated PDF of the PEID lookup results. Do not call this API concurrently as Dow Jones restricts the number of calls we make to them. Instead, call this API sequentially, i.e. wait for a response to be returned before making another call. Failure to do this can result in a 429 (Too Many Requests) response being returned.

Parameter Required Description
key true

Your API Key.

signature true

An HMAC SHA-256 signature of request data for call validation. See details on generating a request signature.

nonce true

A single-use key generated for this request. Note that each nonce may only be used once for each access key.

timestamp true

The system timestamp when the request was created in milliseconds since the Epoch (timezone independent). Note Unix time is in seconds and will need to be multiplied by 1000. Requests with old timestamps will be rejected.

peid true

The PEID number to lookup.


Calls to this method will either return a PDF file or a JSON object with an error message. You should check the response Content-Type to determine which you have received.